Thanks to

International Music Festival Gaudeamus

Kite maker Benny Schreur, 

The Performing Arts Fund NL

Amsterdam Graphic Studio



Satellietgroep The Hague



Jaïr Tchong

Kees van de Wiel

SNS-Reaal Fonds

Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Friesland

Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Utrecht

Arte Quattro

Kf Heinfonds

Vuyk Onderzoek Ontwerp en Advies


Dyane Donck with Meri Nikula

Musicaerial is a project inspired by the wind, which finds its voice in the form of a kite. I use the kite as an instrument to translate the inaudible and invisible layers of wind into sound. The three guiding forces why kites fly: upward pressure, traction and gravity, form the basis for this musical and visual journey.  Among my most important intentions are the realisation and bringing together a variety of musical and visual stories, in which the different sound and energy layers of the kite and the ‘kite spot’ form the common element. Depending on the individual work proces of the composers and sound artists, they have searched in their aesthetic and compositional considerations for random organisation or structured tone sequences within the sound spectrum of the kite. The diverse backgrounds of the whole team provide a broad repertoire outside the common ‘mainstream’. The choice of contemporary composers and artists and the richness of sounds and images they expose either in the music or in the work of art are literally taken outside and beyond the protection of the walls. And because everyone has been flying kites once in a while, everyone can relate to the instrument and the work of art.


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  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda
  • kite-project-musicaerial-frouke-wiarda